Artist Profile: Eric De Los Santos

Eric De Los Santos is a trained percussionist originally from San Antonio, Texas. He relocated to Wisconsin in December 1998. Drum and bugle corps are what lead Eric north. After three summers of intense practices, performances and competitions, he decided to stay in the state. From there, it was nearly 20 years of teaching percussion in the region— mostly to marching bands, drumlines and front ensembles. Now you can find Eric “busking” in Madison by the Overture Center; at multiple farmers markets; and other random locations around the city.

1) What has been your biggest success, plus the greatest challenge, in pursuing your creative passion so far?

I think my biggest success so far is also my biggest challenge. Keiko Abe, Mark Ford and Evelyn Glennie are not only some of the world’s accomplished marimba composers; they are also some of my favorite works to perform. While I try to introduce some of these tunes to the public, I know they aren’t as appealing as the more contemporary stuff I play. I think I’ve realized challenges and success are often two sides of the same coin.

2) Share 3-4 words which best describe how you feel when you are performing.

Alive. Relevant. Benevolent.

3) What are you most excited about in regard to new opportunities or projects you're hoping to pursue in 2023?

Good question! Hmm…probably expanding on where I play. I really enjoy busking (performing) in Madison and I’d like to take that on the road.

4) Share 2-3 artists you wish people were more aware of.

Aside from the marimba composers I mentioned earlier (Keiko Abe, Mark Ford and Evelyn Glennie), there is an awesome solo artist named Bryan Drewyor. His original compositions are quite catchy and pleasant to listen to.


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