Artist Profile: Fred Steinmetz

Fred Steinmetz is a 23-year-old artist from Kenosha. He currently resides in Madison and has been pursuing music professionally for over three years now. Over the span of those years, he has learned to produce and record himself as well as has had performances at Freakfest, Wsums Party in the Park and Moda Magazines Fashion show. His main goal for music is to make people get in touch with all emotions plus face the realities life throws at you.

1) What has been your biggest success, in addition to your biggest challenge, as an artist thus far in your journey?

So far, I think that my biggest success has been performing in front of 500+ people for a fashion show. It's surreal to think about. After that show, I've had people come to different venues and say they've seen me perform before. It's a great feeling.

My biggest challenge has been trying to get out of my head, in addition to balancing a 9-5 with music. I'm tired most days. When you work almost 40 hours at a serving job, then go home to make beats, edit footage, record vocals and all of the things that come with being an independent artist—you're tired. Not only that, but I've become my own worst critic. When I was younger I didn't care about the perception people had because it was just fun. Now it is much more meticulous; I want everything to fit my vision.

2) What's your creative muse and how does it translate into your work?

My creative muse would have to be films. I've seen a lot of movies that give a look into the human experience. Certain scenes catch moments of such beauty—or a plot that is so compelling—it inspires you to chase something. I feel like if I can translate that into music, then back into a music video, I'm content. Whenever I listen to Kanye or Tyler, The Creator I feel like I'm watching a movie. I want to paint the picture for the listener without them having to see anything in front of them.

3) What most excites you about your current creative endeavors?

I'm currently working on a tape with my producer "Keylime" called "Bucket Boys: Vol 1". I'm excited because usually I put so much pressure onto the songs having meaning. This time, we focused on having fun. Some people will love it for what it is. Others will want me to do something different, but I'm in a really good headspace so I want to have fun by creating a body of work that reflects that. Also, I am trying to put together a show this year to highlight great hip-hop in Madison. Since I've moved here, I've noticed a stigma around that art form. However I believe that for a genre so heavily occupied by people of color, it deserves to be heard on a bigger stage. I'm also hoping to keep performing and meeting new people since those experiences keep me motivated—plus in pursuit of what I started.

4) Share 2-3 artists you wish people were more aware of.

This is a hard one. I'll be honest: First and foremost, people need to be more aware of their local artists. In this day and age, it's easy to pass on supporting your friend or sharing their art. But I don't think people realize the impact of doing so.

Runalongforever: They are a collective of artists based in Milwaukee. I've been in collectives before and have never seen energy like those in this group. They're really trying to put the city on the map and solidify the hip-hop scene there. I believe in the next five years they will accomplish that goal because the people running it right now are highly motivated and connected in the scene. They don't walk around flaunting egos. It's genuine love and that's hard to find.

Isaac Westberg: He's a photographer I met when I moved to Madison. When I first met Isaac, he was shooting pictures for August (a clothing boutique in town). But the more I got to know him, the more I realized the appreciation he has for photography. He is not someone who just grabs a camera and slaps the word ‘photographer’ in his bio. Issac's been working hard to get better at his craft—you can see it in every picture posted. Pay attention…His work precedes him. He's been to Paris for fashion week, as well as New York recently to shoot for higher end fashion brands. Isaac inspires me to be proud of what I do, to keep working and to try new things.

Alicia Obiakor: She is one of the first people that shocked me when I heard her perform. Alicia has the type of voice that gives you goosebumps by gifting the audience with the full emotion of whatever song she's singing. She is very humble and kind, while also presenting herself with a great confidence. Plus Alicia is incredibly smart and multifaceted. I haven't met many people that are somehow talented in all areas they pursue, but she is one of them. I think it's important Alicia is not labeled as just someone with a good voice. But rather, is seen as a person who could keep striving through anything life throws at her. Because Alicia is determined in what she wants to accomplish, no amount of labels or obstacles can hold her back from doing so.


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