Artist Profile: Kelly Parks Snider
As an artist, Kelly Parks Snider explores contemporary social issues. With words and art, she attempts to create awareness and generate change. Kelly is interested in examining how contemporary social, political and cultural issues are viewed and discussed. And through her art, find a way of creating imaginative dialog that is more expansive. She also hopes this art provides a critical lens–an opportunity to focus with a critical sense of truth and renewed openness.
1) What is your favorite type of art to be a consumer of?
My primary work requires much reading and research exploring the injustices and tensions that surround us. This work is never-ending and negative. I love it. Poetry and prose soften my edges and grounds me.
2) What are you manifesting in terms of creative goals for this year?
I love to collaborate. Working together isn’t always easy. So I created an incomplete creative collaboration manifesto:
An incomplete creative collaborative manifesto —
Our communication is open.
Our leadership functions in a flat hierarchy — a circle, not a triangle.
All members have an equal voice and recognition.
We are all part of a greater whole.
Sometimes one organization's priority will be urgent and it may become the focus.
We will nurture our relationships and strengthen our social and our relational ties.
We accept our differences, enjoying an atmosphere of tolerance and peace, fostering togetherness.
We serve each without competitiveness which threatens balance and jeopardizes our sense of being one.
Collectively, we will foster new ideas aimed at benefiting the common good.
3) In what way do you think that Madison/Dane County could do a better job of in terms of professional opportunities for artists?
Educational opportunities that provide funders, foundations and businesses a better understanding of how art integrates with community organizing and long-term social change efforts.
The arts are an effective process in building community.
More public art.
4) Share 2 to 3 exhibitions, concerts, books, spoken word events and/or films you're hoping to check out this winter or spring.
I am looking forward to the M83 concert in May, plus Chele Isaac and BA Harrington’s June exhibition at Abel Contemporary Gallery. I also have been reading a lot of Amy Quan Berry.